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Enlisted Ranks of the Army, SS and Luftwaffe

This resource page shows the enlisted ranks of the army, SS and the air force. The tables show the proper insignia that are worn on the collar, shoulder and sleeve (if need be).

Enlisted Ranks Non-comissioned Ranks

Das Heer (The Army)

From left to right: Unteroffizier, Unterfeldwebel, Feldwebel, Oberfeldwebel & Hauptfeldwebel

Das Heer (The Army)

From left to right: Grenadier*, Ober*, Gefreiter, Obergefrieter & Stabsgefreiter

* Individuals with the rank of "private" were called by a title that described your occupation in the armed forces, i.e., Grenadier, Jäger, Reiter, etc. The rank of "PFC (Private First Class)" in the German armed forces was similar to the rule above with the exception that "Ober" was placed in the front, i.e., Obergrenadier, Oberkanonier, Oberjäger, etc.

Die SS (The SS)

From left to right: Grenadier*, Ober*, Sturmmann & Rottenführer

* Individuals with the rank of "private" were called by a title that described your occupation in the armed forces, i.e., Grenadier, Jäger, Reiter, etc. The rank of "PFC (Private First Class)" in the German armed forces was similar to the rule above with the exception that "Ober" was placed in the front, i.e., Obergrenadier, Oberkanonier, Oberjäger, etc.

Die SS (The SS)

From left to right: Unterscharführer, Scharführer, Oberscharführer, Hauptscharführer & Stabsscharführer

Enlisted Ranks Non-comissioned Ranks

Die Luftwaffe (The Air Force)

From left to right: Grenadier*, Ober*, Gefreiter, Obergefrieter, Hauptgefreiter & Stabsgefreiter

* Individuals with the rank of "private" were called by a title that described your occupation in the armed forces, i.e., Grenadier, Jäger, Kanonier, etc. The rank of "PFC (Private First Class)" in the German armed forces was similar to the rule above with the exception that "Ober" was placed in the front, i.e., Obergrenadier, Oberkanonier, Oberjäger, etc.

Die Luftwaffe (The Air Force)

From left to right: Unteroffizier, Unterfeldwebel, Feldwebel, Oberfeldwebel & Hauptfeldwebel

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