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German Camouflage

Lost Battalions is now stocking select camouflage products from SM Wholesale.

Go to Bargain Bunker page for availability and pricing.

SM Wholesale offers the highest quality WWII German camouflage uniforms on the market today. They painstakingly recreate every detail of the original item from patterning, fabric, stitches, and buttons — their camouflage smocks, Zeltbahns and helmet covers are the closest you will find to original WWII issue. A neat point of fact for anyone except collector's is that SM Wholesale's older WWII German Smocks are often mistaken for originals.

Lost Battalions stocks their Zeltbahns, smocks and helmet covers in Oak "A", Oak "B" and Blurred Edge, however, we can order any product from SM Wholesale.

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